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romp in meaning in Hindi

romp in sentence in Hindi
लेने में सफल होना
romp    रतिक्रिया
in    अंदर का सत्तारूढ़
1.Cats don't fetch sticks or romp in the surf.

2.Rudolph Giuliani is going to romp in next month's election.

3.Collin's first adventure outdoors was a romp in his yard.

4.`Roller Coaster'is much more than a romp in playful circles

5.Children romp in well-kept parks and playgrounds.

6.On weekends, his children sometimes come over to romp in his office.

7.That nothing cures a winter chill better than a romp in the sand?

8.A seven-goal romp in Budapest almost certainly will put Yugoslavia there.

9.The Republican romp in Tuesday's election was a repudiation of President Clinton.

10.This is no lighthearted romp in the meadow.

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How to say romp in in Hindi and what is the meaning of romp in in Hindi? romp in Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.